Taking On The Challenge

1 min readMar 30, 2022

Left Fielder takes on the challenge of telling a little known quest story set in the late 1800’s. The story centers around a few specially designated African-American military units — one that traveled via bicycle known as the 25th Infantry Bicycle Corps.

Left Fielder has acquired the exclusive film rights to the book The Great Bicycle Experiment by Kay Moore and Mountain Press Publishing to adapt a feature film based on the events told in the novel. This adventure drama will tell a true American solider story in the margin, that had a huge impact on modern day culture. Left Fielder has also received support from The Historical Museum at Fort Missoula and their Executive Director Matt Lautzenheiser, as well as getting notable contributions from John Rimel at Mountain Press Publishing.

As a media-tech company we emphasize delivering high level products, stories, and experiences to the marketplace that creates a sustainable positive impact on culture.”

- Dom Cole, Stephen Philms — Founders, Left Fielder Media

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